
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cranking out the BTU's

We have had a run on sunny days and we are cranking out the BTU's.  Yesterday our tank was at its max temp and was dumping excess heat into the house by noon.  This meant that on a mid February day with a 14 degree night and a 32 degree day we used nothing but the sun for heat.  How is this possible????

Keep the house size small
Insulate and seal drafts

If so.....
Then install a solar heating system

If not......
Install a solar domestic hot-water system even if you house is large and drafty

Solar hot-water works.  As I say in a lecture I give on solar.  This is a no brainer.  The answer is as clear as the sun coming up every day.  We no longer need to debate this.  Solar hot water is the way to energy independence and to eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels.  It uses nothing but glass, copper and existing technology.  It can be retrofitted to any house with a sunny exposure and is cheap (30% federal rebate and in Maine you get $1000)

"A 1000 sq ft house will always be greener than a 2000 sq ft house and a old house (retrofitted with good windows and insulation) will always be greener than a new house."

I have a new book recommendation....

Hot, Flat and Crowded.  The author is opinionated and a bit ego centered, but presents a compelling argument for a re-tooling of America to lead the world on sustainability and eliminate support for the dictators that control the worlds oil reserves.  Basically how to stop America from buying the rope that is going to hang us.  Just a warning....  The first half is really depressing.


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