
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fall is here and Winter close behind

The guinea hens are settling in for the long winter, the dog is growing more fur and we had to light the cook stove last night. The house went from 66 degrees to 72 with only 6 pieces of wood. This is the first night in which we needed to supplement the house with a little heat. With the addition of the extra rack of hot water tubes we have had more than enough hot water and gain some heat towards the end of the day. What a difference the more tubes have had already. I think this will allow us to cut our wood use by 1/2 cord (goal is one cord a winter) and certainly will cut our winter time electricity use.

Over the past several months we have had an increase interest in our house and the more people I talk to the more encouraged I am that society as a whole is turning to a more sustainable direction. I have found more people shying away from the 3000 sq ft homes and really looking at what they really need. We recently took part in a solar tour and someone reminded me of a very simple fact.

"A 1000 sq ft home will always be more green than a 2000 sq ft home"

We are still at a $1 a day to run the house and I should have the final one year data soon.

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