
Monday, November 23, 2009

Solar Hot Water

I haven't spoke much about our solar hot water system. Most of the data I track is related to the electricity use, but what allows us to use so little electricity is the solar hot water system on the roof. Over the past year it has logged 954 hours of operation and generated near 100% of our domestic hot water use and now supplies us with heat for the house. Of the systems in the house this one is the work horse. It clearly carries most of the load and requires no maintenance. It is also gets used every day. It is a great feeling that my morning shower water was heated directly by the sun. So 954 hours of operation with the best solar window from 10am to 2pm (4 hours) thats comes out to being in operation 238 days of the year. That is remarkable because we live in Maine and we get a fair share of cloudy days. I cannot imagine how well a system would do further south. Solar hot water systems for domestic hot water are by far, hands down, no debate, the cats meow best investment anyone can make. It is not complicated and can be plumbed into many current systems, plus with 30% off federal taxes and state rebates ($1000 in Maine) its cost is within reach. In addition most of the technology is allready here no need to invent new panels, storage devices or complicated computer controls.

My recommendation is that after sealing up the house from drafts and installing insulation the next best step is solar domestic hot water.

If you would like to learn more about solar, Shelter Institute offers a free class on Solar. Check the website for the next session.

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