
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

जगति यत्परिणामं दिदृक्षसे तत्त्वं भव

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" Ghandi

262 people have viewed this blog. There have been people from all around the globe and right here in Maine. We recently took a trip to Quebec (don't expect drivers to stop for you in a cross walk). It was wonderful being immersed in a place that you do not hear English as a primary language. I have not been much of a world traveler, and I do not speak French, but there are a two things that are universal across the world. The sound of laughter and the look of love. Both of these are very simple expressions that sometimes only last for a fleeting glance, but linger for hours. Simple things that are done every day all around the world. Done by every person regardless of religion, race or age. Done at the spur of moment or planned for days. Simple in expression, but complex in their power. Each has the ability to heal and nourish both the body and the soul.

So when I build I am going to build the change I wish to see in the world.


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